SGP Track Guide: Donington Park

SGP Track Guide: Donington Park

Donington Park GT3 Track Guide - Assetto Corsa Competizione

In this guide, Jon Earle takes us through a lap at Donington Park GP in the Lamborghini Huracan GT3 Evo 2. Follow his expert tips to shave seconds off your lap times by hitting the perfect lines, braking points, and maximizing your speed through the technical sections of this classic British circuit.

Start/Finish Straight & Turn 1 (Redgate)

  • Approach: To start the lap, make sure to maximize your speed by opening up the final corner and getting on the throttle early.
  • Braking: For Turn 1, use the space on the pit exit and brake as the track narrows.
  • Turn-in: Second gear, clip the apex tightly, and let the car run out wide.
  • Exit: Be cautious on throttle, as the exit is slightly off-camber, which can unsettle the car.

Crane of Curves & Old Hairpin

  • Turns 2-3: Flat out through the downhill Crane of Curves, stay composed as the car picks up speed.
  • Braking for Old Hairpin: Brake just after the board on the right and as you approach the inside curb.
  • Turn-in: Run the inside curb and allow the car to track out wide, but watch the limits, as it's easy to overstep here.

McLean's & Coppice

  • Turns 4-5: Flat out, these corners aren't too demanding but serve as preparation for McLean’s.
  • Braking: Brake just as the car straightens up before McLean's.
  • Turn-in: Drop down to second or third gear, clip the apex, and let the car drift wide. Be careful with the curb, as exceeding track limits is easy here.
  • Coppice (Turn 6): Brake hard as you crest the hill, keeping the car in third gear. Try to stay tight and carry as much speed as possible down the following straight.

Fogarty Esses (Chicane)

  • Braking: This is one of the trickiest parts of the track. Brake as you hit the dip in the road and approach the chicane.
  • Turn-in: Drop down to third gear and carefully take both curbs without exceeding track limits. Smoothly exit to carry momentum into the next section.

Melbourne Hairpin

  • Braking: As the track slopes downhill, brake hard just before the board.
  • Turn-in: First gear for this double-apex hairpin, with a wide "V" approach to maximize your exit speed. Get on the power early for the final corner.

Final Corner (Goddards)

  • Braking: Spot the dark patch on the curb and brake just after it. This is a tricky braking point to get right.
  • Turn-in: First or second gear, depending on your car setup. Aim to open up the exit as much as possible.
  • Exit: Accelerate smoothly onto the start/finish straight to complete your lap.


Donington Park is a challenging but rewarding track with a mix of fast, flowing corners and technical sections. Key areas to focus on include mastering the Old Hairpin, being precise through the chicane, and nailing the braking points into the Melbourne Hairpin and Goddards. Keep practicing to find the rhythm of the track and avoid exceeding the track limits in crucial areas.

Download Jon’s custom Lamborghini Huracan GT3 setup for Donington Park here: COMING SOON

Enjoy the challenge and race fast!

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Jon Earle

PR Executive and sim racing nerd. Combing over 8 years of real world motorsport experience and 20 years of sim racing experience. Founder of the Fri Guys Motorsport community: and twitch streamer: