Drive2Win Rules & Sporting Regulations

Drive2Win Rules & Sporting Regulations

Organiser: Simracing.GP Ltd


V1.0 29th May 2024

V1.1 13th June 2024

V1.2 6th September 2024

Competition overview

Basic overview
Drive2Win is a 3 month competition in which the top 100 drivers and creators will earn prizes in the form of global gift cards. Additionally, 3 communities will earn prizes.

The competition is sanctioned by Simracing.GP Ltd and will operate within their normal usage guidelines.

Format overview
During the competition period of Monday 17th June 2024 to Sunday 8th September 2024, drivers will earn ‘SGP Points’ for completing defined activities linked to the Simracing.GP sim racing platform.

At the end of the competition period, the top 100 drivers will be awarded prizes.

In order to participate in the Drive2Win competition, each driver must:

  • Own an original copy of the PC Version of any title for which they are entering an event - playable on Steam
  • Own the relevant DLCs required to compete in the competition (e.g. additional tracks or cars).
  • Be a member of the Simracing.GP Discord
  • Have a valid Simracing.GP account with a verified and current email, including associating their discord account to their driver profile
  • Set driver profile to driver’s real name and surname.
  • Minimum 18 years of age.

To be eligible for a prize you must also have collected a minimum of 50 points across the competition period - equivalent of finishing 5 races.

Failure to meet this eligibility criteria, could mean removal from the prize awards.

Driver etiquette and code of behaviour
The organiser considers the code of conduct a fundamental aspect in every competition. It is precisely for that reason that if any Driver involved in these sanctioned events acts in any of the following ways, the organiser has the right to disqualify the player and/or team with immediate effect as well as removing them from the community on a permanent basis:

  • Unsporting conduct (deliberate ramming, crashing or otherwise significantly impeding competitors with intention of harming their results).
  • Driver Ping being unstable or over the agreed upon limit of 150m/s for a consistent period of time.
  • Verbal/Communication abuse directed at the organising staff and subjects involved (online and offline) in-game, or on any social platform, websites, forums etc.
  • Any kind of cheating will bring the guilty player to an instant ban from the championship and from our future events; for the avoidance of doubt this includes misuse of in-game mechanics as well as unintended exploits or external cheats.
  • Trolling.
  • Please keep discussions, feedback and opinions in a reasonable and constructive manner.
  • Any postings on social media, discords or other communication channels which damage the brands involved, its competitions, employees, exhibitors or partners will be sanctioned.
  • Or any violation that is defined in Simracing.GP Terms Of Service

Livery and team name expectations
No names, images or descriptions relating to anything of an obscene, harmful or hateful nature are permitted. Failure to comply will result in a removal from the competition. This includes driver and team names on any game for the livery selected.

SGP Points Scoring

SGP Points can be earnt on ANY race event hosted on the Simracing.GP platform within the guidelines below;

  • Event eligibility
    - Event includes a ‘Race’ session
    - Race has a minimum of 4 starting drivers
    - Race session has a minimum duration of 15 minutes
    - Event is held using SGP servers (excludes manual entry events).
  • Driver eligibility
    - The driver must complete the race. It is permitted to not be on the lead lap but the driver should take the chequered flag at the end of the session.
  • Points awarded
    - 10 points are awarded to any driver that finishes a race session
    - An additional 5 points are awarded to the winner of the race session

SGP Points can also be earnt by the creators of downloadable content (e.g. car set-ups) in the following way

  • Points awarded
    1 point is awarded to the creator each time their downloadable content is downloaded via SGP
  • Exclusions
    Only unique downloads per user are counted. Multiple downloads by the same user for the same setup will not affect the download count.

Bonus points
During the competition bonus points will be available in the following ways;

  • By competing in events marked with points multipliers. For example certain ‘Special Events’ will have 2x multipliers offering double points to those competing
  • By competing in events hosted by a community that has been drawn at random to host a ‘Double points week’
  • The organiser reserves the right to add additional ways to earn bonus points through the competition

At the end of the competition period, prizes will be awarded to the top 100 drivers based on the following criteria;

Prizes are awarded based upon the final leaderboard that includes all SGP Points earned from Monday 17th June 2024 to Saturday 7th September 2024 inclusive.


  • All below amounts are awarded as global gift cards that the winner can convert into their own choice of gift card from providers such as Amazon, Spotify, Steam and hundreds more - these cards will be awarded in Pounds Sterling (GBP). 
  • The global gift card is provided by A/S.

    1st £320
    2nd £240
    3rd £220
    4th £200
    5th £180
    6th £160
    7th £140
    8th £120
    9th £100
    10th £80
    11th-25th £40
    26th-50th £24
    51st-100th £16

Premium subscriber (Drive, Sport) bonuses

  • Those drivers with paid subscriptions to SGP services are eligible for prize size bonuses of up to 25% extra
  • If you have been a subscriber for 3 months or more at the end of the tournament then the full 25% bonus will be awarded
  • If you have been a subscriber for 2 months at the end of the tournament then 12.5% bonus will be awarded
  • If you have been a subscriber for 1 month at the end of the tournament then 5% bonus will be awarded
  • If you have been a subscriber for less than one full calendar month then no bonus will be awarded

During the competition period the points earned by users through events run by individual communities will be tracked and a community leaderboard created. At the end of the competition period, awards will be provided to the registered owner of those communities in the following denominations;

  • 1st £150
  • 2nd £100
  • 3rd £50

Ensuring fairness
Simracing.GP reserve the right to review any platform activity if there is a suspicion of cheating. This includes, but is not limited to, the use of in-game ‘exploits’ that provide an unfair advantage, the deliberate cutting of the race track, the setting up or joining of events with the intention of not racing thus preventing other drivers from scoring points, and more.

Any action deemed by the Race Director or SGP Management Team to represent unsportsmanlike conduct may be penalised at their discretion.

  • Scrutineering
    To ensure a fair playing ground for all participants, the organiser reserves the right to request replay footage and/or MOTEC data from drivers at any point of the tournament, to which the participant must adhere within the time frame specified in the request. Failure to do so may result in the participant’s removal from an event or the entire competition and any other subsequent competitions held by the organiser.
  • Making a protest
    Please refer to point 4.3

The Organisers reserve the rights to change these Regulations at any time.

  • The Organisers reserve the right to cancel or postpone a race.
  • The Organisers shall not be held liable for any losses suffered resulting from the cancellation of a race or of server crash of the race server.